Visual-sound VS-XO User Manual

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Visual Sound VS·XO
The VS-XO is a true dual overdrive. Think of it as two separate pedals in one
housing. The following instructions will give you some tips on setup and use,
although you can probably just plug in and start using it right away.
Overdrive 1:
Typical Drive, Tone (high boost / cut), and Volume knobs, plus
Overdrive 1 Overdrive 2
Use the Clean Mix knob to go from 100% Clean boost (minimum setting) to
100% Overdrive (max. setting), or anything in between.
Clipping chooses between three different clipping diode voices:
A) No diodes low gain, organic. B) Two LEDs medium gain, bright.
C) Three signal diodes higher gain, smooth asymmetrical clipping.
Bass switch chooses between three different bass levels:
A) Slight bass cut. B) Slight bass boost. C) Larger bass boost.
You will find that B sounds almost exactly in the middle of A and C.
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Visual Sound VS·XO

Visual Sound VS·XO Instructions The VS-XO is a true dual overdrive. Think of it as two separate pedals in one housing. The following instructions w

Page 2

Overdrive 2: Typical Drive, Tone (high boost / cut)*, and Volume knobs, plus * The Tone knob is slightly different than a typical overdrive

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Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These lim

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